

Some resources from previous and for current Leader Development Consultations


Some resources from previous Leader Development Consultations

Leader Development Consultation 2017

Making Mentoring Work: Developing a Culture and Practice for Developing Leaders

Bobby Hill

We were meant for each other! None of us are fully equipped to excel in every aspect of life and leadership. Our weaknesses, blind spots, limited capabilities, and lack of experience all point to one thing ‒ interdependence ‒ which is why connecting with others plays such an indispensable role in healthy leader development. Having access to the wisdom, experience, vision, and direction of those who have gone before can put you years ahead of where you’d be on your own. And, in addition to enhancing your own potential in all of life’s growth areas (spiritual, emotional, professional, relational, etc.), the things you’ll discover will equip you to help others as well. So why don’t we place more of a priority on developing these essential, empowering relationships? Are we uneasy with the vulnerability, assuming it will be perceived as weakness? Do we hesitate to ask, not wanting to impose on anyone else’s busy schedule? Are we reluctant to provide guidance for others, not wanting to come across as proud or self-important? Each of these factors can play a part, of course. But the main reason we miss out, according to Stanley and Clinton, is that we simply don’t understand the true nature of mentoring – a problem that is easily overcome…

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"Living God's Story" - Using Bible Storying to Evangelize and Disciple

Carol Freeze Berry

Learning Scripture should never be boring for adults and families. In "Living God's Story," we will learn how to explore Scripture portions in order to gain deep understanding and insight into God's Word. Using interactive techniques and probing questions, participants are invited not only to experience the Bible story, but also to learn it well enough to share with friends and family. The Holy Spirit is the teacher. The skills you practice will sharpen both your evangelism and personal discipleship.

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Training for Heart Change and a Movement of God’s Word

Todd Kelly

Do you long to see deep, authentic change in the hearts of people? Do you long for that change to become commonplace and spread to others? What if the result were a movement of God’s Word? God’s Spirit-empowered Word brings life. These sessions will expose the learner to a training model rooted in the Word of God. They will grow the learner to see and apply God’s transformational intent for the hearer. They will help the learner to train towards heart change and a movement of God’s Word. In preparation, read the book of Philippians several times over. Then come ready to learn and grow!

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Using Leader Development in Spearheading National Transformation in Society

Dr. Mike Wicker

In the face of complex challenges presented globally in the 21st century, the "International Leadership Foundation" has penetrated the marketplace offering "Transformational Leadership Principles" to thousands of business, government and church leaders. This strategy centers on the development of sound moral character and a vision for nation building. This workshop will include: case examples of societal transformation and discussion for participants to begin thinking how they can spearhead societal transformation in their nations. The presentation will examine a model for "Transformational Leadership" affecting one's personal life, relationships, organization and society. We will interact and learn from each other on initiating a chain reaction of change interventions resulting in lasting transformation in our societies

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The 4Ds as a Practical Lens for all Kinds and Contexts of Training

Gajendra Tamang

Jesus intentionally designed a transformational context around His emerging leaders to build their lives. Thus, context (spiritual, relational and experiential dynamics) plus content (instructional dynamic) provide a transformational process of leader development. Traditionally, we are often very strong in our content but weak in the context we create for leader development. But Jesus used all four dynamics (spiritual, relational, experiential and instructional dynamics) to train the Twelve. We also can use the four dynamics (4Ds) as a practical lens for all kinds and contexts of training.

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Brainstorming Session: Use of Technology in Leader Development

David Yeghnazar

How can we use technology effectively in leader development work? What are the opportunities and the limits of technology in facilitating life transformation?

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Building Networking Leaders

Steve Miller

Networking is a key competency of an effective leader. How does one grow this competency as well as the right heart for healthy networking?

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Governance – Foundations for Flourishing Ministry

Jason Ferenczi

Board governance is fundamental to healthy and flourishing organizations, yet has received comparably little attention and study. The interrelationship of culture and governance is an especially understudied and potentially rich area. Jason will present some of the core ideas and observations of his research and engage participants around their experiences.

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Coaching Apprentice Leaders to Develop a Transformational (4D) Learning Design

Dana Allin

When developing new leaders, it is easy to default to designing a learning plan for them. If we however can help an apprentice leader design their own learning agenda, they will be much more likely to complete the assignments and experience greater growth. This method of leadership development is also more easily reproducible. This workshop will teach leaders how to ask powerful questions of their apprentices to design comprehensive learning plans using the 4D model.

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Using Discipleship, Business and Leadership to Multiply Churches

Jon Byler, Paul Wartman

Church planting requires evangelism and outreach but must also be locally sustainable with strong leadership. This workshop will look at how discipleship, small business and leadership can be combined to multiply churches. With a 20-year history in over 40 nations, Global Disciples has refined this model and will share how others can benefit by strategically incorporating these three elements into any church planting vision.

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Building and Sustaining a Leader's Prayer Team

Patty Katzer, Linda Shankster

Leaders and emerging leaders are under constant attack from spiritual enemies as they press forward in their ministries. Consistent prayer from a caring and committed prayer support group can mean the difference between success and failure for a leader. This workshop will cover how to form a prayer team, how to safeguard effective communication, what to pray, and what is necessary to keep the team motivated in prayer.

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Soul Care for the Leader

Michael Hoisington

Caring for our souls is one of the most important things we can do but in an age of busyness there is a lot of soul neglect. The damaged souls of leaders have led to conflict, haste, envy, disappointment or discouragement. You cannot have an impactful life with an impoverished soul. During this workshop, Mike will share and discuss: how does a leader care for his own soul, what are the obstacles we face and how can we overcome them? Also, how can we also care for those we are accountable to, our peers and those we are responsible for? Finally, what are some of the specific kinds of care and practical implications as we look at each of these directions of soul care?

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Leader Development Consultation 2014

How to Identify High Potential Emerging Leaders

Malcolm Webber

One of the critical elements of successful leader development is identification of the right ones to build. Jesus took this very seriously – He spent the entire night in prayer before calling the Twelve! We may have a perfectly designed training program but if we’re building the wrong people it won’t work. Here is a simple but robust model that will help to identify emerging leaders with high potential.

Discipleship Through Hospitality

Rich Mendola

One of the descriptions that Luke uses for the methodology of Jesus’ ministry is found in Luke 7:34: “…The Son of Man came eating and drinking.” Accompanying the stories of Jesus’ eating with people are a number of significant events and teachings. If we want to follow Jesus’ method of discipleship of investing deeply into the lives of people, we should also note His practice of hospitality. Not only is the model found in Jesus’ life, but the requirements of church leaders include being hospitable. The practice of hospitality is normative for following Jesus and can be seen in Scriptures such as Hebrews 13:2 and Romans 12:13. In this seminar, we explore what Biblical hospitality looks like and how it can be a natural part of a leader’s life in making disciples. Western Christians especially need to learn from brothers and sisters around the world about how biblical hospitality can be practiced. As the world becomes more urbanized, and as demands on leaders increase, it is easy to let the practice of hospitality become occasional rather than a lifestyle. Let’s explore together how we can be sure to follow Jesus’ pattern and be obedient to God’s call for us as leaders to be hospitable as we make disciples of all nations.

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Putting On Your Oxygen Mask First

Sam J. Voorhies

Most of us are so busy ministering to, or leading and managing others, that we do a poor job of managing ourselves. We have all heard the emergency drill on an airplane, when the flight attendant instructs passengers to put on their own oxygen mask first, then help others. This provides the critical oxygen needed to stay alive, and be able to assist those in need. Similarly, as leaders, we are often so busy “putting the mask on others,” ensuring they receive help, that we fail to recognize our own need for air. This leaves us depleted, without the ability to breathe, and certainly not able to lead others. Burn-out among Christian leaders is at an all-time high, with some 1,500 pastors leaving the ministry each month due to spiritual burn out, moral and financial failure or contention in their churches. For many, the idea of rest is boarding another plane, or getting in the car, “resting” while we head to another meeting. Jesus’ invitation, in fact His promise, to those who are weary and with heavy burdens to come to Him and find rest seems as likely to many as going to the moon. When mountain climbing, or in most rigorous athletic activity, if we wait until we are thirsty to drink, it is too late. Our bodies are already dehydrated. The same is true of our spiritual lives and ministry. Waiting until we are in trouble is often too late. I want to share powerful principles, from Jesus’ example, for avoiding burn-out ourselves, and to identify the root cause of what often drives us to such destructive lifestyles or behaviors.

Staying Emotionally Healthy in Ministry Leadership

Glen Osborn

I have personally been on a journey and have learned a variety of perspectives on this topic in doing doctoral studies, as well as involvement in a retreat center and revitalization experience with a ministry to missionaries. The content of this workshop is on understanding who we are, how our relationship with Christ relates to our emotional well-being, practical ways to have right perspectives and balance in life, focusing our minds on truth and being aware of lies we believe, and the importance of the Body in our walk of faith.

The State of Social Learning for Developing Leaders

Tom C. McGee, Jr.

A revolution in learning is upon us where relationally driven learning replaces simple content delivery as the best use of technology. Adults learn best in a collaborative context that empowers them to pursue their deepest learning needs without barriers. This is what drove the very creation of the internet. We will explore how current trends are moving technology beyond creating social networks for fun or self-promotion, to facilitating intentional, collaborative learning cultures.

The Questions of an Observer

Carol Davis

Observing the global forces in play, the resulting speed of cultural shifts, and the critical nature of emerging issues – our re-shaped context is like no other. As leaders, we must now not only question the answer-tracks we’ve driven down for a decade or so, but also question the questions themselves. As we observe the convergence of the global forces in play – there is a sense that something foundational is shifting. With the increasing speed and spread of culture-shifts, we understand that our re-shaped context is like no other. We’re now off the map, with little expertise to face the critical nature of the world’s emerging issues. Why and how do Christians lead in a world of disequilibrium and complexity? Is it perhaps a world fashioned to be the answer to our prayers of the last 30-40 years? If so, are we prepared to only react and possibly adapt; or do we have the courage, with great resolve to lead in shaping a future for the praise of His Name? If that is our longing, we must not only question the answer-tracks we’ve driven down for a decade or so, but question the very questions themselves.

Leaders Journeying Together

Todd Poulter

Ask almost any younger mission leader today, regardless of his or her country of origin, “Who is looking out for you and your well-being?” The answer is painfully predictable: “No one.” Younger mission leaders are hungry. They are hungry for in-depth relationships with older leaders who are authentic and vulnerable, and who will serve as experienced guides and shepherds. They are hungry to find older leaders who are willing to create safe spaces for conversations about unsafe, difficult subjects. And they are hungry for older leaders who will offer challenging opportunities and support to accelerate and deepen their growth as leaders. This workshop will give participants several simple models for developing intergenerational friendships, and provide participants with an opportunity to explore together what it would take to develop intergenerational leadership cultures in the global mission and church community.

Growing Local

Ben Stoffel

Can the church build healthy leaders who are capable of leading like Jesus? This workshop uncovers three key principles for building healthy leaders in the local church. This workshop is presented by one who has 10 years of experience being built and building others in the local church. This track is a process of engaging and empowering people to do leader development in their local church.

Jesus' Description of the Ideal Leader

Sid Buzzell

It was a crucial moment when Jesus appointed the Twelve. He left no instructions in writing and when he ascended to heaven He put the mission He gave His life to initiate into their hands. They were to be the Church’s first leaders. Their selection was so important that Jesus spent the whole night in prayer before appointing them. After selecting the Twelve, Jesus taught them a powerful parable that outlined His view of a leader’s role and responsibility (Luke 6:39-49). In this session we will work through Jesus’ leadership parable together. Parables require us to grapple with their teachings. Jesus knew that truth discovered is far more powerful than truth told. Following His teaching example, we will read, reflect and discuss the parable together in a workshop approach. The goal of the seminar is to open this essential parable up to us for a lifetime of meditation and learning from its bottomless depth.

Life Management in Ministry Leadership

Bert Watson

Today’s ministry leaders face serious challenges. For many, the dream has become a nightmare. The statistics say it all. 90% of leaders struggle with feelings of inadequacy. 80% have insufficient time with family. 75% carry unhealthy stress. 70% have no close friends. 50% of pastor’s spouses see ministry as the greatest threat to marriage and family. 40% of pastoral couples live on the verge of burnout. 33% of church leaders burn out within their first 5 years in ministry. 25% don’t know where to turn when they experience conflict or a personal issue. Two out of three will never reach their full potential. Over 1700 U.S. church leaders leave the ministry every month. These shocking statistics tell us two things. First, church and ministry leaders need help with life and ministry management. Second, our church leader training processes are inadequate. This workshop helps ministry leaders to take an honest look at their own lives and ministries, identify and implement strategies for change, and develop a more effective approach to life management in ministry and leadership.

Leader Development Consultation 2013

Significant Trends in Leader Development

A summary analysis of responses to a survey sent to Leader Development Consultation 2013 participants.

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What Is the Best Leader Development Advice You Can Give?

Some very beautiful and wise responses to a survey sent to Leader Development Consultation 2013 participants.

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